DBA for Developers

Wednesday, 1 June 2011 - 8:00am
Wednesday, 1 June 2011 - 9:00am
Marcelle Kratochvil, Piction CTO


There is more to database management than creating a table and doing a backup. This presentation will take the developer on a tour of what it means to be a DBA, what mindset is required, and how to work with a DBA and speak in their language. The presentation will additionally cover technical aspects of tuning, storage, networking, concurrency, security, and architecture. It will cover why DBAs and developers always clash, the baseball bat mentality, and what scalability really means. As a developer, you will gain valuable insight into the world of the DBA and realize that there are a huge variety of DBA species out there, each with their own habits, styles, and characteristics (including feeding habits). Your world view of DBAs will never be the same again.

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