Virtualization Workshop 2013

Wednesday, 12 February 2014 - 9:00am
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 - 12:30pm
Oracle Wellington, Level 10, Todd Building, 93-97 Customhouse Quay, Wellington

Oracle has the most complete virtualization solution that is enterprise-proven and certified to ensure peace of mind and rapid deployment out of the box—with zero-license cost and affordable enterprise support.

Join us for this interactive workshop to hear how Oracle's virtualization solutions can offer you:

   - Fully integrated management from physical to virtual, including cloud services
   - Rapid enterprise application virtualization and deployment in minutes from a download
   - Single-vendor certification for the entire solution stack with a single point to support
   - Comprehensive end-to-end management across platforms
   - Reduce the cost of your application infrastructure by 50%
