Nominate an Ace

Help us find the best in the community - Nominate an Oracle ACE What do Tom Kyte, Steven Feuerstein, JungSik Kim, Mark Rittman and Andrew Clarke have in common - They all go above and beyond to help their fellow OTN members with advice on Oracle technology. They are all Oracle ACE's!

The Oracle ACE program recognizes Oracle advocates who have given back to the technical community, whether through writing books, articles or blogs, speaking at User group or other Oracle events, participating in OTN Discussion Forums, or simply serving as Oracle evangelist in their respective organizations. Established in 2003, the number of ACE's continues to grow, with currently 54 Oracle ACE's in 12 countries.

If you or somebody you know deserves Oracle ACE merit, please refer to the Oracle ACE website for more program information and nomination details.