Conference 2010
What's New In Eleven Dot Two
Oracle Database 11gR2 contains new functionality, as well as substantive enhancements to existing functionality, such as Advanced Compression, PL/SQL
Warnings, even new ways to create tables and indexes. This presentation, by Oracle ACE Director Daniel Morgan, will be live in SQL*Plus and will demonstrate the use of the most valuable of these new features.
Dan, the Morgan behind Morgan's Library on the web, is an Oracle Ace Director, is retired from the University of Washington where he was the
primary instructor from 1998 through 2009. He is a member of the Western Washington OUG, the International Oracle zSeries SIG, the Oracle RAC SIG,
and BAARF.
New Approach to Oracle Applications Performance Management
Oracle Real User Experience Insight (RUEI) enables enterprises to maximize the value of their business critical applications by delivering insight into real end user experiences. It can help identify lost revenue from frustrated users, reduce support cost s by lowering call center volumes, accelerate problem
Simon Keys, Principal Solution Architect, Oracle Database
Electronically Approve and Create Suppliers in Oracle Financials Using a Combination of Apex and Oracle Workflow
This paper will give an overview of how Environment Waikato replaced their manual supplier set-up process with a custom built APEX front-end application using Oracle Workflow as the rules engine and Oracle Financials as the backend. End users can submit their supplier creation/activation requests for review and approval online and if accepted the supplier is created automatically in Oracle Financials. Examples of the validation performed and technologies used will be given.