Rapid Database-Driven Web Development with Grails
This session introduces the Grails open-source web application framework. Based on Groovy, Grails aims for “coding by convention” to make development as simple as possible. Grails integrates best of breed APIs from the Java EE sphere including Spring, Hibernate and SiteMesh. Grails brings to Java and Groovy developers the ‘joys’ of rapid development while—importantly—allowing them to leverage their existing knowledge, integrate existing Java-based systems and capitalize on the proven and performant APIs Java developers have been using for years.
Publish Date:
20 Oct 2008
Transentia Pty. Ltd.
Bob Brown
Presenter Biography:
Bob is Director of Transentia Pty. Ltd. and is a specialist in Enterprise Java.
Bob's recent activities include developing a "world-first" embedded SVG/J2EE-based application to enable real-time monitoring and control of electricity substations; and assisting a "new to Java" development team establish a Java-oriented development process.